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//Assistant director


PHOENIX is an interactive performance at Copenhagen harbour, through urban landscapes, ships and forgotten buildings, into the cracks of what you are, what you remember, what you fear and dream of.

You get a personal time for when you have to show up at an address by the harbour. You pick up the scent of rope and boats. The door squeaks when you open it. You peep inside. You hear the sound of a fireplace. The floor is covered with thick layers of ashes. Someone comes towards you and bids you inside.

You are about to embark on a sensuous walk mixing installation, soundscape, interactive technology, lyrics and performance. You will go through the experience all on your own, guided by performers and a GPS sound system, all while you follow the scent of delicate tracks leading you to unexplored places. The scent of ship wrecks, forgotten childhood dreams, and the shadow of a face which resembles your own.
The performance is developed by 9 nordic and international artists coming from different artistic disciplines.

PHOENIX is a part of Metropolis Festival 2015 and is located at TEATERØEN. 


Kunstnerisk leder og performer: Mette Aakjær (DK)
Dramaturgisk konsulent: Sarah John (AU)
Komponist og lydkunstner: Thoranna Bjornsdottir (IS)
Performer & danser: Cindy Rudel (DE)
Performer & danser: Nina Matthis (SE)
Performer: Sara Vilardo (IT)
Visuel kunstner: Sigrid Astrup (NO)
Forfatter: Sonja Winckelman Thomsen (DK)
Gæsteperformer: Helga Rosenfeldt-Olsen (DK)
Teknisk interaktionsdesigner: Rune Brink (DK)

Producent og projektleder: Carlos Calvo, Teaterøen (DK)
Teknisk udvikling: Mads Gundersen & Carl Jensen (DK)
Teknisk assistent: Lasse Munk (DK)
PR-ansvarlig: Helle Kvist, Teaterøen (DK)
Produktionsassistent: Linnea Jensen (DK)
Instruktør assistent: Nína Hjálmarsdóttir (IS)
Scenografiassistent: Eva Perez (ES)
Scenografiassistent & eventansvarlig: Anna Maria Blicher Skanborg (DK)
Foto/video: Christoffer Brekne
Co-produktion: Wunderland, Københavns Internationale Teater og TEATERØEN
Støtte: Statens Kunstfonds Projektstøtteudvalg for Scenekunst, Nordisk Kulturfond og Kulturkontakt Nord

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