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Independent Party People, Final edition



The project was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. It premiered August 24th 2019 in Tjarnarbíó Independent Theatre and ran until October 2019. 

The performance was a reflection on national identity, Icelandic-ness, the performance of whiteness and how the Icelandic image excludes us. Both hilarious and uncomfortable, it was our platform to speak on the role that image culture has deemed us to play, and strive to imagine a radical future.

Reviews examples:

"This is a very fun show which is not surprising from such a group of young, talented and conscious artists" - Silja Aðalsteinsdóttir for Tímarit Máls og Menningar 14.09.19

"One cannot forget that the show is also love-able. It touches us in a beautiful way and gives us a chance to stop and think. But it is also funny and the group knows how to work with the humor. Sometimes the humor is the sharpest weapon when we point out what could be better in the community of humans." - Jakob S. Jónsson for Kjarninn 31.08.19

"The strength of the performance is the comfortable confidence of the group in communication with the audience and often there's a subtle irony that reveals the illusion that us, the white people, are immersed into." - María Kristjánsdóttir for RÚV National Radio and Television 26.08.19

Program text:

Sálufélagar invite you to a party in honor of our image, us Icelanders. At this gathering, everyone is conscious of privilege, and we will celebrate inclusivity and diversity. Here you can be the best version of yourself.

Close your eyes. Listen to the silence. You are alone. Feel the moss beneath your feet. Sense the power in the depths of the earth, how it flows up and into your naked flesh. You and the untouched nature become one and you feel how small you are in the vast wilderness: innocent, pure, untamed, mysterious, foreign, - but familiar. This is the land of the unexpected, the land of secrets. Your land.

Sálufélagar is a performance art group founded in 2015 by Nína Hjálmarsdóttir and Selma Reynisdóttir. The group uses devised methods in staging the self and the image. Earlier performances include Mátulegt (2015), which premiered at the 2016 NEU/NOW festival in Amsterdam, and Soulmates (2016). Independent Party People first staged as a ‘work in progress’ in Mengi, August 2018. Following that performance Sálufélagar received funding from the Iceleandic ministry of education and culture to make a full-scale production of the concept.

This performance is in Icelandic and English.

Creators and performers: Davíð Þór Katrínarson, Jónmundur Grétarsson, Nína Hjálmarsdóttir og Selma Reynisdóttir
Director: Brogan Davison
Producers: Nína Hjálmarsdóttir og Selma Reynisdóttir
Set design: Katerina Blahutová
Assistants in dramaturgy: Brogan Davison og Pétur Ármannsson
Music: Sigrún Jónsdóttir
Lighting: Aron Martin Ásgerðarson
Costumes: Tanja Huld Levý
Marketing and PR: Heba Eir Kjeld
Photographer: Owen Fiene
Graphic design: Jón Kári Eldon

Please contact for link to video

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