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Devised Performance

december 2013

Authors and Performers:

Kristbjörg Lára Gunnarsdóttir, Maríanna Eva Dúfa, Nína Hjálmarsdóttir, Stefanía Pálsdóttir og Vigdís Ósk Howser


The characters are based on our own experiences. It is a christmas eve dinner party, 24th of december, and it's almost 18 o'clock. While the performance is running with its humor and strangeness the audience start to see that everything that's happening is realy only in the mind of one character.

Our inspiration came from research cases of schizophrenia. Our inspiration came from real cases of people who are or have been a ticking timebomb. We tried to  imagine what could possibly be happening inside a persons mind right before she loses control over the disease.


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